Chapter 7 Page 20

Hey guys, guess what? The side project I hinted at a few pages ago is just about ready! I've got a preview up on Topwebcomics- Click here and vote to see the full thing!

More details: The story is called "The Father", and it's a Castoff side-story told entirely though journal entries. The entries are written by one of Castoff's characters, and will cover a few events in the comic that won't get much screen time in the actual narrative. There's gonna be some interesting backstory stuff happening that I'm excited for you guys to sink your teeth into~ I'll be posting a new page as a vote incentive every week, starting March 1st! Be sure to check back next week for updates!

Second! I did some guest art for the comic Sprinter! It's a super cute comic with really lovely art and cute characters, and even though it's still early the story is really interesting! I think if you like Castoff, you'll enjoy this one- go check it out!

Lastly! Big ups to Castoff's newest Patreon supporter, Aaron! Thank you for your support! <3

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