Oh look, our old friend is back!! I'm sure this will cause no problems at all.
Big news, everyone! We've officially hit the first goal for the 6th anniversary pledge drive!! Thank you all so much to the new and upgrading Patreon supporters who helped get us there! I'll be working on the bonus mini comics ASAP!
Also, now that we've hit our first goal, I've revealed the next goal! When we get to $850/month, I'll be posting a writeup on all the deleted characters and scenes from across the comic's development! Finally we'll get to know what the heck was going on with some of the old concept art on my deviantArt page, hmm hmm.

Help us reach our next goals and support the comic by joining Castoff's Patreon! Even the lowest tier goes a long way to support the comic's creation! And you get lots of behind-the-scenes content, early pages, physical rewards, and more!